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Brewed by:
Orange Blossom Pilsner LLC
Florida, United States
Style: American Pale Lager
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 5.50%
Availability: Year-round
Notes / Commercial Description:
Orange Blossom Pilsner or OBP for short is a honey beer made with real, local orange blossom honey. It’s not sweet because the sugar in the honey is fermented, leaving OBP tasting crisp and clean.
Brewed with real orange blossom honey. There are 2.3 teaspoons of pure Orange Blossom Honey in every can of OBP. But don’t go thinkin’ you’re getting a mouthful of sweetness, sweetness. The fermentation process gives it a crisp, refreshing flavor sans candy-assery. So crack open a cold one. The bees need the work.