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Brewed by: Anheuser-Busch Missouri, United States
Style | ABV Low Alcohol Beer | 0.50% ABV
Availability: Year-round
Notes/Commercial Description: O'Doul's and O'Doul's Amber are non-alcohol malt beverages.
O’Doul’s has a mild, sweet taste with a slightly dry finish. O’Doul’s Amber has a rich, slightly sweet taste with flavorful hop finish.
O’Doul’s and O’Doul’s Amber are brewed as traditional premium beers – fermented and aged to full maturity. The alcohol is then removed through the use of low temperature, low-pressure distillation. This extremely gentle process allows the alcohol to be removed without heating or cooking the beer, which retains the full, rich and delicate flavor and balance of our non-alcohol brews.